This is our pineapple cult! Yay! What you need to know about it is that
  1. Part of our religion is in German hence the fact sometimes it is called ananas and sometimes called pineapple (as it was created in German class).
  2. We have a holy trinity

  3. They are the...
  4. Each "person" has their own symbol
  5. The cult itself has a symbol
  6. The religion worships the pineapple gods.
  7. The religion is open to all people excluding nonbelievers. We don't care about race, gender, etc. If you believe in the pineapple gods and want to worship them you are welcome to join.
What rules are their to join? The only two rules are:
-that you must worship the pineapple god(s).
-And you must do your best to not harm others.
If you believe in another religion that is fine! In our religion/cult, we are more focused on the here and now rather than afterlife and the origin of life. If you want to see more from us (as I the prophet rarely update this page) go to our group tumblr run currently by me (the Prophet and the Pope and the guardian will soon join us on that page)